Dear Dog, and other animal, Breeders,
Over the past few years, dog breeders have been included in much controversy, and I want to take a minute to address all “serious” dog breeders directly:
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have so deeply enriched and improved my life, and the lives of nearly every person I know, and I want to encourage and implore each and every one of you to keep breeding and know that your efforts are well recognized and understood by many of us, even if that truth is sometimes lost in the clamor…
Dog breeders are often vilified by Animal Rights zealots, by well-meaning but woefully misguided members of the public who have been persuaded that breeders are causing overpopulation and filling
shelters, by rescuers and shelter workers whose views of the world have become so skewed by the war they are waging that they have lost all perspective, and by those in the media who prefer drama to truth.
Breeders are the solution, not the problem. You are the true heroes stewarding the present and the future of dogs. You are the ones creating healthy, well-structured animals with great temperaments and excellent early socialization. You are the ones funding health research. You are the ones devoting your lives and resources to the betterment of the species. You are the ones who put in twenty hour days giving your puppies everything and then wake up three times during the night to check on them. You are the ones whose dogs are virtually never in shelters because you do such a good job screening and placing and taking back dogs. You are the ones who have virtually eliminated overpopulation within your realm and in fact created a shortage of good dogs such that it often takes years of waiting before a puppy is available.
That another, completely unrelated, group of idiots allows their dogs to keep reproducing for no good reason and filling shelters; that a few profit-driven miscreants breed countless dogs in horrid conditions; that rescues and shelters keep placing horrific dogs in homes so that they bounce back and keep the system full; that naivety motivates the unnatural and unsustainable notion of no-kill, that by nature dogs produce more puppies than are needed and so some excess and attrition are unavoidable—these things are not your fault!
Yes, there are issues that breeders need to improve—breeding towards extremes, prioritizing the wrong goals, breeding too young, over-breeding certain lines, placing excessive value on breed purity, hostility towards differing opinions, elitist attitudes, undervaluing balance—and I hope breeders will continue to improve. And yes, there are some awful breeders out there. But all in all, it is you who have created the wonderful dogs of today, and you who will create the wonderful dogs of tomorrow, and my gratitude for that is nearly boundless. And while there are some lovely accidentally bred dogs in shelters (I have a few!), and some awful dogs being produced by breeders, at the end of the day the quality of dogs generally being produced by careful breeders is leaps and bounds higher than what is generally available in shelters.
All the mindless anti-breeder rhetoric is nothing more than misleading hate-mongering that points the blame in the wrong direction: if breeders, and the public, buy into this mindless propaganda, we will lose all the good dogs in a few years, with virtually no reduction in the number of poorly bred dogs filling the shelters.
So please, keep up the good work and know how much you and your hard work are appreciated. And above all, know that the fabulous creatures you produce are dearly loved and valued.
First, You’re welcome. Being a breeder of quality dogs and quality horses is my passion and a true labor of love. I only breed when I want something specific and I feel it will help improve my breeds of choice.
Countless hours of research, endless sleepless nights waiting for that new foal or new litter to arrive and then the REAL work begins with proper socialization, care, nutrition etc all agonized over and executed with a well thought out plan.
Then the screening to find the right person for the right animal.
All of this and a 40 hour a week job so I can actually afford to do this. I do this because I love my breeds not because I can make money, I’d be happy if I could break even every time but the reality is the costs involved generally outweigh the income from puppy sales or foal sales but that’s OK, I am doing this ultimately for the love of my breeds.
Thank you for understanding how we breeders for the most part care deeply about the babies we put on the ground regardless of the species, we want healthy, happy, good quality animals that fulfill their potential.
For too long we have sat back not defending ourselves and allowed the AR groups spew their misinformation thinking that people would not take their words seriously. Well we need to stop hiding our light under a rock and we need to stand tall and proud and shine a light on our avocation.
Well said Karyn
Thank you, I only breed one set of Breeding Dogs ONCE a year, to help the momma heal, and give her a break. I think ALL breeders should be like that.. I let one to two heats go by to ensure the health of the momma,, and she is such a good Momma.. I breed Poodles, there are so few in this area, and I love helping families with children with Bad allergies, that I usually wind up giving away for them I make. My biggest joy is the look on the kids faces when they get their new baby, and then the ones who truly touch me, the parents faces with the money is so much smaller then originally talked about.. That is What its suppose to be about.. not how much money you can make.. etc… Making someone happy that would not otherwise get to have something so special.. Now.. that’s the joy…..
This is a fantastic article. The truly good and responsible breeders are few and far between in the dog world, I admit. I have always said, and continue to say, that 90% of the dogs that are “bred”, by commission and omission, should not have been. I work in rescue and my life has been touched by literally countless thousands …tens of thousands of dogs. I have housed over 800 and, through responsible rescue (NOT all rescue is good!, just as not all breeders are good) have place them in homes that appreciate them. I have also bred 1 litter of purebred dogs in 25 years. I choose to keep some intact dogs and I continue to participate in the purebred dog fancy because I believe wholeheartedly that THIS is where the true hope for a healthy, happy future for dogs lies. BUT I feel the scorn and hatred from this well meaning but ignorant and misled segment of the population who have received only bits of slanted and highly emotional propaganda and chosen to believe it.
For many years now I have maintained that responsible rescue and responsible breeding are what will, jointly, save the plight of canines …and those who adopt them. I have had innumerable sad stories of preventable health issues that cause blindness, pain, suffering and death in the MIXED breed, rescue dogs I have placed: GI problems, hip dysplasia (many, MANY cases, as I rescue large breeds and mixes). I am convinced that these dogs deserve good homes but I continue to hope and pray for a day when all dogs will be wanted and planned responsibly so these heartbreaking health problems will not cause such canine and human suffering.
My purebred dog breeding associates have at their disposal the means by which to make sure that fewer and fewer dogs have these devastating genetic issues with health, structure and temperament. They also have the means to make it almost certain that every dog will have a home for its entire life. I continue to rescue dogs and have a sanctuary for many that I have saved but are unadoptable . These are mixes and irresponsibly bred/homeless purebreds who are blind or have behavioral issues, epilepsy and other health issues that could be prevented in purebred dogs. I love my mixes and my rescues but I do appreciate the breeders who did it “right” and made sure that I do have dogs of predictable size, appearance, temperament and also good health, to the best of their ability.
If every dog were obtained only from a responsible breeder or rescue (all dogs microchipped, with a take-back clause in the contract, good screening and monitoring/mentoring) there would be no more homeless dogs. I agree that good breeders are a key to keeping the canine species alive and well in our society.
“If every dog were obtained only from a responsible breeder or rescue (all dogs microchipped, with a take-back clause in the contract, good screening and monitoring/mentoring) there would be no more homeless dogs. I agree that good breeders are a key to keeping the canine species alive and well in our society.” We should be screaming this from the hilltops! I say it over and over and people argue with me about it, but it’s so true, the shelters would be out of business.
But how many responsible breeders are out there? Majority just breeding dogs for profit, out of boredom or god know what for. We have a problem here. Why blame Dog advocates?
Really when was the last time you just decided to call up a registered breeder and go for a look and see. There are MANY decent breeders in Victoria and Australia wide and its people like you who perpetuate the biased stereotyping.
I have been involved in dogs for 35 years, firstly showing, then obedience and flyball, then instucting in obedience, flyball and tricks. I have always bought purebred dogs from reputable breeders and 7 years ago decided after doing my own research that I would breed my dog. I do all the health tests, plan every mating and provide 24/7 lifetime support and assistance. Most breeders do as well, certainly all that I know do. So stop the breeder bashing and get off your high horse and actually INVESTIGATE the facts before you distort them completely. Thanks and have a nice day….!!
I agree totally Kitty….Before you open your mouth you really should do some unbiased research Emma…..or you’re liable to get into the AR movement with half a story like the rest of these misguided and misinformed people.
I’ve been breeding pure bred dogs for over 50 yrs….40+ yrs in a coated breed, and 33 yrs in the same breed but with the shorter coat(arthritis interferes with grooming sadly!!)
We dedicated breeders have saved one breed from extinction and are responsible for keeping this most wonderful breed on the planet. No disgusting exaggerations…excellent health and all tested before bred from. All studs and bitches have good health test scores.
How many ‘mongrel’, mixes, designer dog breeders do this ???? NONE!!!
Don’t be brainwashed into thinking with the twisted heads of the activists….GET THE FACTS AND WORK WITH THEM….THE ANIMAL EXTREMISTS ARE TELLING LIES AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE BELIEVING THEM. Don’t fall into the trap and be carried along with the crowd. They are very mixed up and sadly lacking in correct knowledge.
Or you are making money off these animals and don’t want to stop. If you love animals so much why don’t you open a rescue or volunteer to help. These “animal extremists” are the ones volunteering and spending all their time trying to find dogs and cats homes before they are killed or they have rescues where purebred dogs that were bought at breeders are dumped like all the rest of the dogs. 25% of dogs in shelters are purebred. While you make your money 25% of these animals you are creating end up dying in a shelter – these are actual facts. And I see these dogs come in ALL THE TIME.
Aw, JPsMom, you’re falling into the trap. Not sure if your figures are correct, but you say 25% of dogs in shelters are purebred. How many of those come from RESPONSIBLE breeders, not you or your stupid neighbor who somehow ended up with 2 dogs of (supposedly) the same breed and decided it would be fun to breed (or “educational for the kids”)? That’s the kind of “breeder” (and I use the term very loosely) the responsible breeders would give almost anything to shut down, but it’s awfully hard to control what you and your neighbor do. I can guarantee you very few if any purebreds in shelters come from the responsible breeders we’re talking about….those who do NOT make money, but expend more blood, sweat, tears and heartbreak than you can even imagine. Sure, many shelter & rescue workers do good work, but how many of them live with their rescue dogs 24 hrs a day, every day of the year? How many of them are holding down full time jobs, managing a family, then spending every other moment (including many in the middle of the night) watching & caring for their puppies? Other than those keeping rescue dogs in their own homes, I suspect very few shelter workers put in anything close to the amount of time a responsible breeder puts into 8 weeks of trying to raise the best puppies possible.
OTOH, I wonder how many shelters are like PETA, and just euthanize most of the puppies that come into their care (FACT…..check it out)?
Making MONEY JPsMOM?????? Are you Serious??? That’s the most hysterical comment you could possibly make. The breeders that are responsible, love their breed, love their dogs and puppies for life – spend SO much more on a litter of puppies than they make that it’s questionable that we live in a state of sanity. A good bitch, who has been health tested, temperament tested, conformation tested, fed well for 3 years, all medical tests and shots and vitamins and pest repellents supplied, trained in her field of expertise, campaigned to prove her worth, has had more money invested in her than she will ever make in puppy income. The dogs you see ALL THE TIME do not come from these breeders. And the whole theory of this article and discussion is that breeders of well-bred, well researched litters of puppies should be commended and that someday hopefully our way will be the right way. 25% of my puppies, my personal friends puppies, most of my world of FB breed friends puppies will NOT end up in your care. Believe us – learn to think in a broader spectrum – be kind to those who are trying to make this world a better place for all animals, but especially for those who live the closest to us and whose lives are the most in our realm of responsibility.
A true dog or animal advocate would thoroughly educate themselves about the extremes in breeders (purebred or not) before persecuting one group. I would suggest you are more of an anti-breeder extremist than a dog advocate.
I have grown up on farms and have had excellent pets from both the mixed ‘barn dog’ pups and the pure bred dogs.
The breeder I have chosen to go with now is an absolute angel and works tirelessly to ensure her furkids are placed in loving homes, checks in and is a wealth of information for me throughout the years. My dogs have a forever home because of her, so should anything ever happen to me I know they will be safe and loved. Did your local pet shelter give you that same guarantee or do they still euthanize after 7 days?
You should be ashamed of yourself for your unsubstantiated statement.
There are a lot of good, ethical, responsible purebred breeders out there and I am one of them .. thank you for your wonderful comparisons of us and your recognition that there ARE good breeders and we are working hard to keep “good” dogs in the market for all to enjoy. Its essential for any dog lover to hear about us, and what we do, and support us, otherwise we the public will end up with generic dogs, make no mistake that is what the Animal Rights Movement wants. We ethical breeders on the other hand are ALL about maintaining and improving breeds that have existed for centuries and proven over and over again that they deserve to survive and prosper .. thats what peeves me most about the AR movement, dogs have supported and worked with mankind for centuries, types have evolved and qualities selected and bred for that makes every single one of the pure breeds suitable for specific or multiple jobs, there is a purebred available for any purpose you need, selectively bred for centuries…. and the AR movement just wants to wipe this all away, well I am fighting for all that I am, AR wont win, and they wont destroy our beautiful realm of dogs, who are they fooling? With people like you giving such good balanced publicity to pure breeds and recognition to us the breeders, we cant fail, that is what I believe. Thank you once again, a Maltese breeder (done showing breeding Obedience Agility Judging, and celebrating 40 years in the dog world next month).
This is crap. I volunteer for a rescue that gets dogs that were bought from breeders dumped at their doorstep ALL THE TIME. So this means she cannot save other dogs. Any if people are buying dogs they are not saving dogs from rescues that desperately need homes. Did you know that approximately 25% of dogs taken to animal shelters are purebred? All breeders, whether they are so-called “responsible” breeders, puppy mills or your neighbors next door, contribute to what has become an overwhelming overpopulation problem. And guess what HALF of the dogs are killed in those shelters — so these breed dogs are being killed in there too. What is wrong with people. Breeding is the solution – WTF – get a life – this pisses me off. Educate yourself and go volunteer at a rescue or a kill shelter and maybe you will change your mind and write a different article.
Let me give you numbers — 11,000 dogs are KILLED EVERY SINGLE DAY in shelters and 25% are purebred. So 25% of the dogs you are breeding just end up being dumped and killed. THOSE OF THE FACTS. If you can live with that — good for you. I cannot. I spend all day trying to find dogs homes before they are killed. I see the posts and the actually dogs bought from breeders being surrendered to rescues and to the shelters… the last one just a last week said, “I bought her from a breeders, but she is too much puppy for us – we cannot handle her” NICE! Now she sits in the rescue with all the other dogs waiting for a new home. AND BTW, what do you mean by “GOOD DOGS” – my dog is from the shelter and he is a rat terrier mix and he is the best dog I have ever met – healthy, good looking, friendly, sweet as pie. The world would be fine if we stop producing animals so people can make a buck.
JPsMom, are you reading anyone else’s comments, or are you just ranting? You lump everyone who mates two dogs into the category of “breeder”. As we’ve been saying (shouting!), just as with anything there are good (i.e. responsible, careful, caring) breeders, and there are “bad” breeders. The responsible breeders hate those yahoos who throw a male & female together (purebred or not) for whatever reason, without doing any research, without doing anything to improve the species…yes often doing it just to make a buck. THOSE are the dogs who most often end up in shelters. I’d be surprised if more than 1% of purebreds ending up in shelters were from responsible breeders, and when that happens it’s the owner, not the breeder who brings in the dog, right? Know why? Because the owner either won’t (or doesn’t think to) let the breeder know they want to get rid of the dog. I know many responsible breeders who would (some have) travel across the country to reclaim a dog of their breeding if it doesn’t work out, but too often the breeder finds out a dog has been surrendered only after the fact. That’s been the cause of much heartbreak among many responsible breeders I know, as they consider all the puppies they produce as part of their family.
You say people should adopt instead of buy. What??? If I want a certain type of dog but I’m told I must get a shelter dog, I guess I just won’t have a dog. Why should I get a dog I don’t want, or am not attracted to? Therefore this practice helps no one…..including shelter dogs. If I have my heart set on a Corvette, do you expect me to buy a bicycle?!??! If you’re dying to have a certain, pretty dress, can I tell you that you can only buy a pair of pants? If I have a hobby farm with sheep, do you really expect me to run down to my local shelter and adopt a little rat terrier to herd my sheep? I think you get the picture.
Finally, how much money have you, and shelters, donated to vet schools, the CHF or other organizations that are doing research to eliminate/alleviate the diseases and health issues that affect dogs (and it’s been proven that mixed breeds are NOT healthier than purebreds)? I can tell you the vast majority of responsible breeders donate a good portion of their hard-earned money to vet schools, to the Canine Health Foundation….they even donate their dogs, or parts of them, when warranted, to studies. Due to the millions of dollars given by RESPONSIBLE breeders, the AKC, and purebred dog clubs, many canine diseases are manageable, some are gone, some can be tested for, and there are great discoveries on the horizon for many we still see. That wouldn’t happen if good breeders were banished and the only way to get a dog was from a shelter (talk about health issues running rampant!). So if you and your cronies want to keep rescuing dogs, great, wonderful, have at it. Many of you do great work, and you’re needed. But there’s a place for the RESPONSIBLE dog breeder too…..that is, unless you’re like PETA and your main goal is the extinction of dogs (keep at it….that’s where we’re headed).
<<<<>>>> quoted from JPMom…
this is exactly what the GOOD, RESPONSIBLE breeders we are talking about in this column would NOT allow….that owner/puppy would have been screened prior to placement and be followed up with …and taken back by the breeder if this had happened. Responsible breeders would NOT leave a new owner out to fend for themselves…they are the support staff for that new puppy’s family. If this has happened…this is the breeder that is NOT being focused on in this discussion..
It has been recommended that you get educated by a responsible breeder…this is just more evidence of that.
This article is such a well written article and was submitted by a logical thinking person, Then from out of the woodwork comes this nut case JPsMom You are the example of the person the Author so graciously described, gently and with manners so as not to cause some form of hormonal breakdown.. Young lady I have some news for you, careful now it is a long fall off you high horse. Every business, Breeder, Shelter and Rescue MAKES a Profit off of the dogs, if they did not offset the expenses they ALL would quickly disappear. The best breeders, and the best Rescues and Shelters are in fact the most profitable, because, it takes money to provide great care for the animals… Money comes from different places, for Shelters, gracious citizens give money, I am a breeder and I pay the entire feed bill for a local no kill shelter, I could not do that if we did not make money, So please get your dumbass off that high horse and try to start making contributions for the good of society opposed to just spouting off and stinking up the place.
Nothing will convince JPsMom that ANY breeder should be breeding – although if she applied logic to her “statistics” she would see that if the NON-purebred dogs in her shelter had non-purebred parents that had been responsibly spayed & neutered they wouldn’t exist, and reducing the shelter load by that 75% would leave them with a 50% deficit on adoptable dogs. Purebred dogs are clearly NOT the problem. Irresponsible owners are the problem.
It was refreshing to read this article as a dog owner of a pure breed. It was about time someone ‘clear the air’ about what serious breeders do and what their motives are in breeding. There is so much ‘hype’ out there and the general public swallows so much without questioning facts and delving into matters. When people ‘lose’ their way and money and/or glory take over, the end results are the sad lives of so many abandoned animals in shelters. My hat off to the author for calling the shots as the truly are. And an especially big thank you to the breeders who do take their jobs seriously and with great responsibility.
thank you Meg, thank you very much, its so nice to be appreciated for once instead of ridiculed, I love my dogs they are my life and the thing I love most about being an Ethical Registered Breeder is being able to share the joy that my dogs bring to me, with other people. Every dog I have ever bred brings nothing but joy to the new owners/families who are lucky enough to acquire one of my “babies”. I have pages of testamonials but I feel no need to have a web site spruiking my wins, successess and glowing reports from my puppy buyers. I am an expert at what I do, I have put my heart and soul into it for 40 years. Thank you from my heart for recognising that.
It is I who Thank you. Thank you for “getting it” Thank you for saying so. Most of all Thank you fro the great article that I am going to share and share and share
it should go viral! it is the best blog I think I have ever read, well done, well done, gee reading all this has made my day very happy, so wonderful to hear some sanity intelligence and factual info about breeders 🙂
How refreshing, thank you for recognising the hard work put into the dogs/animals. Not to mention the blood sweat and tears, I will share this article,and hope some of the brainwashed will read and digest it,before getting on their soapbox……….. Thank you
Simply—-Thank You! It’s wonderful to hear that all our time and effort is appreciated and not in vain.
Thank you for noticing. It is sometimes diffcult to maintain your determination to continue breding for the welfare of the breeds you love and the joy of seeing people enjoy the product of your hard work and it is nice to get a lift now and then.
Thank you for your well expressed thoughts about breeders. After 34 years doing all the things you describe, late nites, nursing tiny puppies and 15 year old goldens, showing dogs, watching dogs go into other breeding programs to help disabled, work in schools with troubled and autistic kids,receiving Christmas cards where the dog is “part” of the message, I still have begun to feel slightly reluctant about telling people I am a dog breeder, that it is my passion, and what I have devoted my life to doing. Just one post like yours helps all of us. Deep down we know what we are doing has purpose and great value,but it is wonderful to see it in print.
Thank you. These comments really need to be before the media and the public.
Legislation is forcing out many of our hobby breeders, we will lose some valuable old lines.
I wonder if those who can qualify for registered kennels will morph into puppy mills?
You can hardly get a kennel license for a facility with a whelping box in the bedroom every three or four years!
You are so welcome! Yes, we “responsible” dog breeders are very careful where we place our dogs and people have to jump through a bunch of hoops. One of the BIG hoops is not allowing any breeding to be done to animals I sell UNLESS they go through what I do for every breeding. My dogs are Champions, they are ALL health tested for what is appropriate for my breed. (different breeds have different health tests) and per my parent club directive, no breeding will ever take place until the animal is 3 years old and has had the a fore mentioned health tests done. I like the idea and I subscribe to it whole heartedly. AKC also has a “Breeder of Merit” program that is a nice tool for buyers when they go to buy their pure bred puppy. There is no puppy miller or back yard breeder that will qualify to be a Breeder of Merit.
We are usually always active in our dog community in some form. Thanks for noticing!!
You have hit the nail on the head – and are 100% right. Thank you for a voice of reason – it can be so draining with all the negativity that we sometimes have to deal with, but its good to know that there are people who understand what we do. We may not be perfect and there are certainly issues for breeders to work on (as you have stated) but without ethical and dedicated breeders, we would not have the lovely dogs we have today. We are always striving to improve in terms of health and vigour of our breeds – its their future that is paramount – and I for one appreciate your comments recognising this. I should also say, you are the kind of person we love to home one of our pups too – someone who gets what dog ownership is about – so thank you! I have shared this on facebook, and thank you for putting your thoughts out there 🙂
Thank you for writing such a complementary article on responsible dog breeders. I wish more people felt the same way you do. Sometimes it can be hard to buck the stem of bad press we get! I try to educate everytime I have the opportunity too. Thanks again!
Thank you for this article! I think there needs to be even further distinction made between a Reputable/Responsible breeder and just a “breeder” though. There are many more reputable and responsible breeders out there than many care to recognize. They can be located by contacting the specific breed club for that breed you are looking for. Then if the breeder does not thoroughly screen you, screen them! It is easy to tell the responsible/reputable breeder apart from the back yard breeder with just a few simple questions and look around their homes by the testimonies from their puppy buyers. 🙂
Good article. I am not a breeder, although my current Doberman bitch is tempting me. I hate breeder bashing, it drives me up a wall. There are a LOT of good breeders out there, from super-star breeders, to those that turn out decent companion dogs, not quite show quality but certainly filling a need for well-bred family dogs. The problem as I see it, is that good breeders have been so targeted, that they breed less. Therefore, the sub-standard breeders step in to fill the demand. To me, the answer is for good breeders to provide MORE well-bred puppies and make them more attainable to not only show homes, but also those who simply want a well-bred, healthy companion dog. I know, this sounds crazy, but it is simple economics. Supply meets demand; lots of demand for pure-bred puppies keeps high-volume breeders in business. Most people have no idea how to find a breeder, and chances are, when they contact the breeder they will be rejected because they already have a waiting list, or they are first-time owners, or the breeder wants a show or performance home for their puppies. There are very few litters where some of the pups are not more appropriate for companion homes. As to mixed-breeds, I always tell people that if their mixed breed is absolutely wonderful, they should thank the pure-breed breeders that produced its ancestors.
thank you for saying this Mary, as a long time breeder I agree this is a valid point, in one of my breeds (I have two) I personally get feedback from prospective puppy buyers saying how they felt ovewhelmed by their contact with other breeders, who were sometimes rude and not at all helpful. I know that it does happen but it is not the rule. People must understand, what we (breeders) have is very precious, dogs that have the capacity to make other people a lot of money, we are trying to make sure the dogs we breed do not ever end up in that situation ie. being bred for money only. Some of us have been in the same breed, and all of us can tell you a sad story of how we were lied to or had a bad experience with an unscrupulous person, unfortunately its a sad part of being a Breeder, no matter how careful you are, things do happen, and control of our beautiful breed gets taken away from us by deceipt. Thank you for recognising this. In the meantime we will continue to be extremely vigilant with who we sell our precious puppies to, and focus on breeding sound, healthy, socialised, typical examples of our beloved breeds.
typo… “Some of us have been in the same breed for up to and over 40 years” oops
If you’ve been in a breed for that length of time it’s because you love the breed….and no other reason….I’ve had Rough Collies for 40+ yrs and I’m in my thirty third year with Smooth Collies….they are my passion. my love, my life……I also have Whippets, another healthy/beautiful.sweet natured breed. I’ve had this lovely breed many yrs ago and just had to have another….the 2 breeds live very well together 🙂
Wonderful article! 6 months ago I started looking to buy a puppy, I thought I was in touch with a reputable breeder as they seemed to answer all my questions etc. it wasn’t until I noticed some of the photos they had sent me were actually photos from another website, once I realized it was most likely a puppy mill I walked away. Thankfully I have now found a top notch breeder for my addition to the family. People acquiring pets must thoroughly research where they are coming from. I am sure we all know the horride conditions these animals are kept in which is little wonder why so many dogs end up in shelters. These poor animals live in the most deplorable conditions, and then people wonder why they have such problems raising their puppies. My hat goes off to the breeders who I can only imagine spend countless hours looking after their animals, and I’m sure financially never recoupe their efforts. I say a huge thank you to all the responsible breeders who devout their lives to bettering the animals they reproduce.
Thank you for a very intelligent well thought out letter, which I very much agree with. I never really wanted to be a breeder as I have seen too many dogs fall through the cracks, because the buyers have lied through their teeth to the sellers. Promised them the world for the dog, signed well written contracts and broken every rule they agreed to.
Please breeders try to find someone in the buyers area that can check them out for you.I think that most of us who love our breed would be more than happy to do that.We need to help protect our beloved breeds.
[…] Here is a great blog post/letter to breeders that someone drew my attention to recently that tells it like is and praises the reputable dog breeder. […]
While you may be a good reputable breeder – there are still 100’s if not 1000’s of dogs euthanized everyday simply because there isn’t room for them and they couldn’t find a home. Why can’t everyone just stop breeding until all the dogs have homes? For every puppy born, you are responible for taking the life of a shelter dog who won’t get a home because you are breeding. I think breeders are selfish because while you are breeding and selling your dogs for profit, other innocent dogs are being euthanized simply because they don’t have a home. Other than profit and greed – what’s the point of breeding unless you like knowing that you are responsible for shelter dogs being killed. If you are that responsible too with the breeding, then why don’t you spay and nueter your litters?
As my email address indicates, I am a guide dog trainer. I also do volunteer training at local shelters, and am a 4-H leader for the dog project. I’ve had people challenge me on not acquiring my guide dogs from shelters or rescues. Sometimes I do find a suitable dog from those sources. But 98% of dogs don’t have what it takes to be guide dogs. Even seeking pups with the specific traits I need from responsible breeders meets with limited success. So I took a page from some of the long established guide dog schools and started my own breeding program. No way will my NOT breeding save the life of any shelter dog. I have only come across one shelter dog in 16 yrs which was up to the job and successfully completed training and became a working guide dog. I started 8 which met my initial criteria, but only one made it all the way. Admittedly my standards are high. But if it were your loved one who needed a guide dog would you rather they got a guide dog from someone who put the emphasis on high standards, or someone who put the emphasis on turning out rescued dogs despite their suitability to save their life when the person they are partnered with puts their own life in the dog’s work. And by the way. Those who say that 100s or 1000s of dogs die in shelters everyday, should volunteer in one. Over the past 2 decades, shelters I’ve worked with have become less and less crowded. It is rare that more than half the kennel runs have a dog in them at the animal control shelter for my county these days. They use to house 3 or 4 dogs per run. So there has been a definite improvement.
Anonymous- You likely haven’t signed your name because you don’t know what you’re talking about. I am a nearly 30 year veteran of sheltering and rescue. I am also a responsible breeder. Before you go bashing he responsible breeder who puts more effort into ensuring a good, lifetime home for their dogs than most shelters do, go actually WORK at a shelter. Do MY job…be the one who decides what dog gets put down so the dog in the lobby can come in.
Truth of the matter is that many, many shelter dogs have been so poorly raised and socialized, and so poorly bred, that they are unsuitable for all but the most experienced of dog owners. They are NOT good candidates for the first dog family. They are NOT good pets for people who aren’t good disciplinarians. And by discipline, I’m not talking that drivel Cesar Milan spews. I’m talking about resisting the ‘cuteness’ of a dog jumping on you in excitement. I’m talking about being consistent so the dog knows what to expect when you are training it, or that you even try to train it. These are dogs who need experts due to the failings of their past owners and breeder. And truth is, their ‘breeders’ are consistently people who let them breed ‘by accident’, then gave the pups away to whomever they could palm them off on. I know. Thirty years…remember? And I live next door to some of them.
Truth is, an educated potential first-time owner who has thought long and hard about getting a dog will not be willing to take on a shelter dog because they know they’re not READY for a shelter dog. They want to know that the dog they are getting has certain traits, like exercise requirements, grooming needs, size, and sociability. I would MUCH rather deal with a potential new owner that comes to me and says, “I want a sheltie because I like to brush dogs. I find it relaxing. I need the energy level of a sheltie, because I like to go for hikes on weekends, but during the week, only have time for neighborhood walks and playing in the yard. Barking isn’t a problem because I live in a less closely populated neighborhood. And I don’t need a dog that loves every stranger it sees. I like my dog to be MY dog.” I can guarantee you that the new owner that comes to me and says, “Oh, I love ALL dogs!! I’ll take any dog, as long as it’s CUTE!!” That second owner is sure as shit gonna be the one who brings the dog back or dumps it in a shelter, matted to the skin, whining that the dog barks too much, and doesn’t like anyone. Experience.
Anyone who has put the effort into choosing a dog that fits their needs will be rejected by most shelters and rescues these days for ‘being too picky’. Therefore, since no shelter or rescue would allow them a dog, it is NOT the fault of the responsible breeder when that shelter dog doesn’t get a home. It is the fault of the shelters themselves for not working harder to determine the suitability of each home for the kind of dog it needs. No pup placed by a responsible breeder winds up being the problem of a shelter because the responsible breeder will move heaven and earth to be sure that if the new owner can’t keep the pup, it goes back to the breeder. ANY time, for ANY reason, our pups can come home to us if the new owner can’t keep it.
Everything you say smacks of brainwashing, and you have to be anonymous…because you’re either here to cause upset or you’re gutless and disillusioned and don’t really believe what you say…..I ignore anonymous comments normally………………………………
this is an excellent article and so true. I have had look throught the whole blog after seeing this, and I have one question, who is Roland? 🙂 Would love to know as there are lots of excellent posts.
Whoa. The majority of dogs in “shelters” or Animal Control are NOT because of breeders. They are because of owners. Breeders don’t dump dogs in shelters. Sure there’s the “oops” litters that get dumped but if H$u$ spent their money on mobile spay/neuter clinics, free vaccination days, and lobbying for bills that allow service folks to keep their pets with them and end anti-pet housing policies THEN shelter populations would go down. In some areas, shelters actually have to import animals from other countries to supply their demand! Many dogs are in animal control because they ran off and the owners can’t/don’t want to/ come up with the impound fees. Many shelters also sell their dogs to whoever has the adoption fees, and don’t do home visits, so returns are high (or dumped in another shelter).
Many times its the “easter chick” syndrome. Awfully cute pup grows up to a homely obnoxious animal. Easier to dump than train.
Ethical breeders screen carefully, do home visits (or at least get their network of friends to do a home visit across the country), microchip, pay for the return of the dog if it gets dumped, and up front, does health testing. It’s a fallacy that keeps getting repeated that “all purebreds are sickly”. our mutts were sickly short lived dogs since the moms must not have gotten good care and the pups didn’t either. Ethical breeders feed the moms the best they can and the pups too. They socialize and train the pups before they ever get to their new homes.
All of this costs money that ethical breeders don’t make on their pups. None even break even. They do it for the love of their breeds and to preserve a bit of history. Many purebred dogs provide excellent help to humans. My dogs have saved people and animals from predators and bad folks. That’s from a thousand years of purebred true breeding.
Please be sure to send this well written defense to Mr. Ton Vilsack, c/o the USDA.
To the anonymous comment above, I am in Vet Tech school. My whole life is now dedicated to the health and wellbeing of animals. I am also the President of the Vet Tech Club at my school, and I have held countless fundraisers and drives to raise money, food, and toys for rescues during my two terms in office. I also have three purebred collies, and up until about a year ago, I had a purebred sheltie. Although I absolutely adore shelters, there is something that should be completely understood. There is no such thing as a no kill shelter. They can claim that they are “no kill” because they only euthanize a small percentage of their animals OR because they send their animals elsewhere to be euthanized. I know this is sad, but it’s the truth. Trust me, I was actually tested on this. Selfish impulsive people have ruined it for everyone. You can’t blame breeders in the least. You have to understand that a TRUE breeder does not breed animals for profit. Not at all. We have bred our collies and lost time and money doing so. We did it because we loved our collies and they were incredibly healthy. We want the world to be full of healthy happy animals. You need to understand that, although the notion of having every shelter dog/cat adopted is a lovely one, it is unrealistic. You cannot change every person in the world. Besides, if every ethical breeder stopped breeding until every animal had a home, the world would only be full of sick unhealthy animals. As an advocate of animals, is that what you want? Picture a world with crippled, deformed, and unhappy dogs. That’s what we would have. Your anger is being fueled by someone else: the owners of Puppymills. The puppymills keep the pet stores stocked. Those cute little puppies and kittens in the windows came from places like that. THEY breed for profit. They keep their animals in horrible conditions. They don’t care where their animals end up as long as they make a buck They are NOT breeders. And trust me, us REAL breeders hate them, too! We want everyone to love animals as much as we do! Please PLEASE do your research before you accuse us. I think you’ll find that we love animals just as much as you do, and that we’re actually fighting on the same side. I hope this helps, and I hope I didn’t come across as nasty. I know it’s tough. Being in vet tech school has only increased my desire to save them all. You have to walk into it knowing you can’t. But by golly, I’ll save as many as I can! 🙂
While I appreciate your comment, one part of your comment makes no sense.
” … if every ethical breeder stopped breeding until every animal had a home, the world would only be full of sick unhealthy animals.”
That is not true. There are PLENTY of healthy animals from random and unplanned matings.
About 70-90% % of the dogs in shelters are from “non ethical” breeders or careless owners. They are NOT all sick and unhealthy!
I have no problems with people breeding working dogs (seeing eye dogs, farm dogs, police dogs). But the others … yes, it would be great if all the “pet” breeders would take a few years off. Give the shelters and rescues a chance to catch up.
Please tell me where you got the statistic
“70-90% of the dogs in shelters are from “non ethical” breeders or careless owners.”
thank you.
I agree with you Rachael, completely…..”if every ethical breeder stopped breeding until every animal had a home, the world would eventually be full of sick unhealthy animals.” …this is actually the aim of the AR movement, for everyone to have a “generic” dog, some will be healthy but a lot wont be.
susan so you think that random and unplanned breedings are the way to produce puppies? that makes no sense if what you want to reduce the number of animals in shelters. ( which have already been reduced in some places to zero and those shelters have to “import” animals to “stay in business” and do not doubt it one minute shelters are businesses..) if you want less animals in shelters planned breeding from healthy stock and purchases of those puppies ins they way to go
This is a tough one for me as I am a true dog lover and agonize over this issue so please don’t bash me. I really wish there should be a temporary moratorium on breeding. There are more than enough dogs in shelters, rescues and destroyed every day. Every week I am called to see if I can take in a rescue. We don’t “need” any more dogs. I love dogs and pups and know many “responsible” breeders who do treat their dogs with upmost care and love, but why do they need breed the same dog over and over again? Seeing this makes me so sad for a variety of issues and changed my mind on this regardless of how well they treat the animals. Breeding and re-breeding for a perfect show dog while others are being put down every day? I might be more lenient with guide and service dogs as they serve a purpose. I wouldn’t buy a puppy from any breeder. Would adopt from a shelter. I know that breeders shouldn’t have to pay the price because of dog overpopulation due to puppy mills and irresponsible breeding, but if they are truly looking after the ultimate welfare of animals, shouldn’t they be part of the solution? Put a temporary moratorium on breeding or come up with another fix until the existing dog population is under control would be the responsible thing to do and force people to deal with the problem. No dog breed is going to disappear. I really struggle with this issue.
I will not bash you. It’s a matter of understanding people. You have to realize that if every breeder stopped breeding, you eventually would only be able to breed unhealthy dogs. Our first dog, Mollie, was a purebred collie. However, she was an accidental pup. We bought her from someone we didn’t know as an impulse buy. We loved that dog to pieces! But poor Mollie’s life was not easy. Due to poor breeding, her hips were terrible. Walking was never very much fun. I know good hips are important for show dogs. But we don’t care about any of that. We just like how healthy and happy our dogs are now. I plan to adopt from rescues as soon as I have settled in my own home. It just takes the healthy mentality of knowing that breeders care about their breed. When I bought my purebred sheltie, I had to sign a contract that I would not breed her. That’s real responsibility! That way, I couldn’t be irresponsible and improperly breed my dog. Many breeders want to know everything about your home and situation before they’ll even consider selling a dog to you. This helps to weed out the people who aren’t serious about the commitment of a dog. And the high price sure makes a person spend a long time thinking about whether or not this is what their heart wants. Shelters are great, and it’s a shame that there are so many shelter animals out there. But the solution is not to stop breeding. The solution is to volunteer at shelters, hold fundraisers, and spread the word that animals need homes. I always tell people to get their animals from a shelter, a rescue, or from a reputable breeder. Never a pet store. But as a person in the veterinary field, I can promise you that to stop breeding would only raise the sales at pet stores and not the adoption rates at shelters. Pet stores lie about breeds and play on people’s hearts. It’s a sick and sad situation. At our school, we had a few purebred dogs that came from a shelter. Sweet dogs, but very unhealthy and some were the result of possible inbreeding (from people who were too lazy to spay/neuter their pet). I encourage you to volunteer your time at a spay/neuter clinic some time. They fight the kind of battles you are also fighting. We’re on the same side, Cara. We really are. So don’t feel bashed. I just wanted to give you information from the inside. I’ve seen alot at this point. People can be so cruel, but not all of us are. And, for the record, I speak as someone who breeds for the love of Rough Coat Collies. And at the risk of making our collie sound like a tramp, she was more than willing to participate in the breeding. She even started flagging us when she was ready. haha Our silly dogs would never be in a show. And we don’t breed them to be show dogs. Our first collie had two litters, and then she was spayed (We kept a pup from each litter). Her daughter has already had one litter. The most healthy perfect pups you ever did see. That’s why we do it: for the joy of knowing we’re the reason these dogs are happy and healthy. I hope this all helps. If not, I also encourage you to talk to your veterinarian about this issue. It might help settle your head and heart on the matter.
If your dogs can’t compete in a show, then they shouldn’t be bred. If you keep breeding dogs with things that disqualify them from the show ring, you are breeding dogs that don’t fit the breed standard. The breed standard is the blueprint, if you will, of how each breed is expected to look, behave, and be put together. What good is a collie that doesn’t look and behave like a collie??? Little things that “don’t matter to you”, like good hips, can be a death sentence for the dog and its puppies. As a vet tech in training, if I read that correctly on another comment, you are gonna see that the pups of a dog that ‘can’t compete in the show ring’ inherit those ‘unshowable’ traits, and often get killed because the owner can’t afford to treat those problems. Unless you are having the appropriate testing done for your breeding dogs BEFORE breeding, you aren’t a responsible breeder. For collies, that is the OFA for hips, the CERF for eyes, MDR 1 gene testing, and VonWillebrand’s, at the very least.
The vast majority of dogs in shelters is mixed breeds. EVERY DOG IN A SHELTER IS THERE DUE TO THE OWNER’S ACTIONS. Whether its through owner-release or neglect in letting their dogs roam and have oops litters. Yet, ethical breeders get blamed for every dog in a shelter, when they did not come from an ethical breeder.
A moratorium on breeding is an animal rights idea and very short sighted. Mixed breeds will still be having oops litters, and our beloved breeds, many of whom save lives, save livestock lives and in the case of a breed such as mine, the kuvasz, save predator lives since they drive them off (mine drove bears out of our neighborhood in Alaska, where they would have been shot and killed) will go extinct.
That’s a travesty but Animal Rights activists do not believe in pet ownership. So if they can end pet ownership (the demise of pets is a means to the end) then they are happy. Buying from a shelter feeds right into that since all pets from a shelter are spayed and neutered. With the degradation and defamation they practice against breeders as well as the anti-breeding laws they are spending all your donation dollars on to inflict in each state, they have brainwashed the public into thinking breeding dogs is horrible and cruel.
If ethical breeders were supported and celebrated, there would be no dogs in shelters since we do everything in our power to make sure none of our dogs get dumped in a shelter, and if they do, we pay to get them back home. We also have mandatory spay and neuter contracts and put our pups on limited registrations where the offspring cannot be registered.
so by stopping ethical breeding, all you have left is poorly bred animals from people who can’t afford to spay and neuter their dogs, much less provide health care for the moms and pups. Many, many dogs in shelters also come from strays.
This made me cry <3…Thank you for this! It is a very hard world out there as a breeder doing it right and today was one of those discouraging days of ARist bashing we all have to endure. This was sent to me by a dear friend and I am grateful that you took the time to write this.
Thank you!
Not all rescuers are anti-breeding.
I personally think if every breeder was like those described here- breeding only titled, tested animals- we wouldn’t have the mess we do in shelters right now. And in my area it IS a mess
I have referred people to responsible breeders and often
speak to those wanting animals about going through breed clubs to find what they are looking for. Many of my fellow rescuers (usually those involved in breed-specific rescue) are also part of the show world of their breed.
But just a quick glance at our local Craigslist ads will show that many people breed without regard to temperament, titles or testing. And even more so of a problem, the attitude of pet ownership only when convenient and the dumping of animals once they aren’t.
So just like there are good and bad rescues – there are good and bad producers of litters.
Keep doing what you’re doing but at the same time respect those of us who rescue the unwanted.
Wonderfully written, Back yard breeders are often blamed for Flooding animal shelters. In my opinion the breeder didn’t abandoned the dog, the person who ” acquired the dog, pledged to love it, etc etc” is responsible for the life of the animal. The breeder didn’t pay you to take the puppy! you volunteered, and probably called the breeder looking for a dog!…
also, were does a reputable breeder start? probably in their in home or back yard.. :/
ok, that’s my rant, sorry!
Thank you to whoever wrote this, thank you from a Registered Breeder of 40 years.
Ihave not yet met a ethical breeder who doesnt screen where their puppies go to if the property is fenced have had dogs previously our pups got to puppy preschool at our local vet we give all our owners the information the vet supplies on bringing up puppies and also give them some of the food we feed them so that a radical change in diet doesnt make them sick and they can ring us any time for advice all responsible breeders need to stick together and educate the public that ethical breeders look after our dogs and puppies so that they are healthy
I’m just putting this out there..I live in Ohio..USA..there are unregistered breeding farms all over in this state..most of them are Amish farms and they are known as puppy I’m all for safe pure dog breeding..I have problems with the US government placing these farms under the USDA guidelines like they are cattle…I mean seriously..they have no one watching these people or making sure they are using the guidelines even. They pay off the survayers or just pay a fine but never are they shut down.. I don’t know if this is how things are in Australia but here in America things are terrible..these people need to be delt with so we “can” have safe healthy dogs… I am NOT trying to offend any one..but if you have one of these puppy should be put in a cage and used for nothing but breeding..not let out to feel grass with your paws or feel the sun..its a sad existence for any creature that should not be known!!
I just LOVE this well written letter & sincerely thank ‘Roland’ I plan on bringing it to prominence in Australia.
We are also facing these ignorant , so called “Animal Rights ” bodies, spreading untruths about the Pedigreed Breeders of Superb Healthy predictable temperament’d dogs. Years of Study into lines, possible faults (within breeds) coupled with expensive breed testing giving knowledgeable outcomes, ongoing tests, , B4 we even consider putting a Dog & Bitch together.. I actually supervise my matings, Then spend a minimum of 14 nights sleeping alongside my pups, setting the alarm clock, so I can awaken & supervise the feeding times, I am not alone in doing this. ALL pups are bred in house, are wormed periodically to ensure they are fit & well. We do not have fleas, or other infestations.
Vaccinations & Micro chips are COMPULSORY, so we can then register our paperwork. D Sexing is contracted as a condition of sale, & ALL pups are covered by us for replacement should any unexpected
problems arise. Like us humans, we too present with occasional health problems.
If we were to charge for the hours, weeks, months of care needed to get a pup to sale,plus my Annual License fees, ongoing rego fees at our Canine Assoc, Vet fees etc; no one would be able to afford to buy, so our so called profits are a myth. I have been breeding since 1974, & am very proud of my record. I also Judge, lecture on my breeds, & only breed occasionally. Very rarely are pedigree breeds found in need of Animal Welfare care. The majority are the mongrel bred types which fill shelters, who thru ‘owner neglect’ end up giving birth to unwanted pups.To prevent this, D Sexing needs to be mandatory for all mixed breeds. This would reduce the large numbers found in shelters.
It has NOTHING to do with the Pure bred Pedigreed numbers or breeders. already under strict regulations,which enforce closely monitored breeding practices.
I appreciate all the care and hard work you do as a responsible breeder.
But, I heard not spaying or neutering animals can cause health problems.
Is in’t it unfair to put them through this risk?
No Sai,thats an AR lie.It actually causes more health problems.Notice how all spay convictions come from either PETA,ASPCA or HSUS.
Heres why
“The cat, like the dog, must disappear… We should cut the
domestic cat free from our dominance by neutering, neutering, and
more neutering, until our pathetic version of the cat ceases to
exist.” –John Bryant, Fettered Kingdoms: An Examination of A
Changing Ethic (Washington, DC: People for the Ethical Treatment
of Animals (PeTA), 1982), p. 15.”
“Let us allow the dog to disappear from our brick and concrete
jungles–from our firesides, from the leather nooses and chains
by which we enslave it.” –John Bryant, Fettered Kingdoms: An
Examination of A Changing Ethic (Washington, DC: People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), 1982), p. 15.
“You don’t have to own squirrels and starlings to get enjoyment
>from them … One day, we would like an end to pet shops and the
breeding of animals. [Dogs] would pursue their natural lives in
the wild .. they would have full lives, not wasting at home for
someone to come home in the evening and pet them and then sit
there and watch TV,” — Ingrid Newkirk, national director, People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), Chicago Daily
We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding …One generation and out. We have no problems with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding.” – CEO Wayne Pacelle, as reported in Animal People News, May1993
“I don’t have a hands-on fondness for animals. I did not grow up bonded to any particular nonhuman animal. I like them and I pet them and I’m kind to them, but there’s no special bond between me and other animals…” – CEO Wayne Pacelle in Bloodties, 1994 The AR’s anti-pet ownership Agenda.After
[…] Here is a great blog post/letter to breeders that someone drew my attention to recently that tells it like is and praises the reputable dog breeder. […]
Thank you for your letter. I have bred and shown dogs for years…and have worked tirelessly with several game wardens going undercover as a buyer to put a stop to illegal breeders and puppy mills. When my litters are born, rarely have I not had a waiting list, and more than 40% of my owners have purchased more than one pup from me. I have taken calls at 2am for allergic reactions to shots, and even treated one pup saving the new mom hundreds of dollars in emergency clinic bills. I am thrilled to know that someone “gets it”and appreciates our hard work. thank you
Right From the Start
A thumbnail version of Right From the Start published by NCRAOA with permission from the authors.
Good article. Have to laugh at the “greedy breeders” rants. Right. I “made” $450 last year on the one puppy I sold from parents who are both AKC Grand Champions. I spent over $12,000 on my dogs last year. So, greedy me–I should stop producing sound, happy, healthy puppies that go only to carefully screened homes (with an unconditional refund/takeback contract)–so that the USA can import over 300,000 dogs from foreign countries (as happened last year) specifically to fill shelters, at the same time importing deadly dog flu, rabies, unsoundness, and vicious temperament? (Do you even know what structural soundness IS? Took me years of study to understand it.) It takes knowledge, dedication, and hard work to maintain dog breeds looking and acting as they should (you don’t want a Boston Terrier to have a coat like a Collie, or get a Basset Hound to try to herd sheep, or havet a Labrador with the retrieving instinct of a Pekingese, or have a Whippet with the legs of a Dachshund). If us dedicated breeders go, the dog breeds will go. Want a Poodle, a Golden Retriever, a Sheltie? Too bad.
[…] A Letter to Breeders […]
Finally!! I have been looking for a blogger like you for a long time!
I love the rationality you have in your voice. Poor breeders have ruined our reputation… another thing to consider is the fact that dogs are dogs. I love my dog, she is practically my best friend, BUT at the same time I am well aware that she is a dog and she is not human.
For that reason I have a right…
the right to breed dogs if I choose to! Yes, my AKC registered dogs have been JHC and DM tested. They are well cared for, but as a human I have a right to breed dogs if I choose to.