Jan 252014

There are no words to express how much we are going to miss Brit.  How incredibly blessed we are to have spent the past 12 years with him.  How much richer he made our lives, how much he taught us, and how many adventures he took us on.

A few minutes of video cannot hope to convey who Brit was, but here are some memorable moments from his life:


 January 25, 2014  Posted by at 6:21 am Tagged with: , , , , ,

  3 Responses to “Goodbye to our beloved Brit”

  1. Lovely and quite emotive.

  2. Roland and lauren im so I terribly sorry. I was definitely crying after watching this brought back my own loss of Tibet . My very sincere condolences I know how special he he was. Time goes by too fast 🙁 take care

  3. I can totally relate. I could remember the first time I lost a dog. I was crying buckets and was not able to move the whole day. Brit is such a talented dog. He will be remembered.

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