Feb 232012

Thank you readers and participants–for four years so far we have discussed challenging topics and while the dialog has occasionally been impassioned, I have never felt the need to censor anyone’s posts.  That is remarkable, so thank you all very much!

Recently some comments  were submitted that were acrimonious personal attacks rather than rational discourse. After much consideration I blocked those posts and their author, because I felt they would be damaging to the core intent of this blog.  But I thought now might be a good time to clarify that intent and the expectations around the commenting aspect of this blog:

This blog is a safe place for attentive, mindful animal lovers to freely exchange and test ideas with good judgment, imagination, patience, courage, collegiality, and a willingness to be questioned or refuted without it ever becoming personal. Participation requires that people discuss ideas without attacking one another. It requires that people read carefully and critically, think deeply, and question assumptions. It requires that people be open to new ideas and unfamiliar perspectives, that they behave with courtesy, clarity of thought, compassion, and generosity of spirit. Virtually all opinions are welcome, and disagreement encouraged, but hostility is not allowed.

And now, back to your regular programming….

 February 23, 2012  Posted by at 9:12 am

  One Response to “L’esprit du Blog”

  1. Well thought and well written article…

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