This protocol is anecdotal—we have not applied a rigorous scientific approach—we had a single sample, no control, and no supporting data (follow up radiographs/biopsies, etc). Our data is based solely on a single fourteen year old dog who remained extremely comfortable and active for ten months after diagnosis.
Options that we utilized (amounts are based on our 40 pound dog):
Artemisinin: We alternated between Holley, Allergy Research Group/Nutrology or Wellcare Pharmaceuticals (the Hepalin, a synthetic blend) and pure Artemisinin. We also used the 2-4 mg/kg day with a large dose (100mg/kg) once a week. We gave him 1-2 days off and then back to the low dose for 5 days. There are several research papers out there with differing opinions so pick one that seems right for you. Give the artemisinin on an empty stomach.
Low/no carbohydrate diet: Raw mix of ground chicken backs, eggs, buffalo liver, green and orange veggies, beet pulp (sugar removed) and about 5% oats. We also give fish or beef.
Metacam (or Piroxicam or other NSAIDS): SID—slow tumor growth/metastasis through COX2 dependant routes and provide pain management benefits.
Tramadol: SID or BID as needed for comfort
Vitamin C: (high dose) 2-5 grams/day. Avoid ascorbic acid.
Turmeric: New Chapter Turmeric Force 80-120 mg/kg
Cat’s Claw
Tetracycline: We did this for the first few weeks and then stopped. Has been shown to slow osteosarcoma.
Butyrate: available at Holleypharma and has been shown to enhance the effects of artemisinin. Data found in Anticancer Research 25: 4325-4332 (2005) and Cancer Letters 91 (1995) 41-46
Gastric Calm
Activated mushroom complex: (increases NK cell activity) New Chapter Host Defense 2-3 caps/day.
Multi-vitamin with general immune boosting: Country Vitamin Wellness Defense. Half human dose daily.
Essiac Tonic: We are getting this from the co-op and giving one capsule SID for 2 months.
Fish oil: 1-2 grams every other day
Flax oil/Cottage cheese: 1 TBS FO and 2 TBS of cottage cheese 2-3 times a week. .
Options we did not utilize but are worth considering:
Limb sparing surgery
Chemotherapy (Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Doxorubicin, etc.)
Palladia: the first canine specific anti-mast-cell medication approved by the FDA. It was not available when Loki was alive, but is worth researching.
Photodynamic therapy / Hyperthermia
Neoplasene (herbal, some are finding effective)
Good sources of additional information:
- (excellent literature search on artemisinin)
- (only about artemisnin, but a great list and has good info in the files section)
- (discusses more options)
- – Ohio State University canine research using artemisinin
Narendra P. Singh, Research Associate Professor Department of Bioengineering Box 355061 University of Washington (Commonly quoted artemisinin protocol)