Jul 272010

For those who met Titan while he was staying with us, or watched his videos on this blog, here is a picture of him in his new home.  He is doing great and has remained the sweetest and happiest tiger imaginable.  He has a nice enclosure and a great pond, but nothing beats a nice swim in the pool on a warm summer day:

 July 27, 2010  Posted by at 5:43 pm

  2 Responses to “Titan the Tiger at Home”

  1. Unfortunately, I did not have the pleasure of meeting Titan, but if he’s anything like the puppies you raised, he will surely be a lovely grown-up tiger.

  2. I was one of the fortunate ones that got to meet Titan, and it was an unforgettable experience. It may be silly, but I felt such a connection to him and I deeply miss him. Thank you for the update!

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